

I don't agree with the witer.

First, I think that I should study Japanese more.Because,modern people is that it is thought that Japanese has decreased. Often, we use wrong Japanese.We call it an abbreviation. We call it an abbreviation. we should study Japanese.

The second,We do not usually speak English.We can study English only by the class. Because,We cannot progress English. It is necessary to apply the custom of speaking English more.

But,The Japanese should study English.

The men and women

Do you agree or disagree with the author (who is Japanese)?

I agree with the author.The woman is very romantic. I am romantic, too. The girl loves story of love. We speak the story of love for a long time.I think that it is interested in love by the female than the man.


Class Namber 10 Table manners

1. Have you ever eaten in a restaurant in foreign country?

Where did you eat?
When I went to the America,I went to restaurant.

What did you eat?
I ate big pizza.

Did you make any mistakes?
I drank cola too much.

2.Did you learn anything?
When I eat some food, I did not drank cola too much.


Class Namber 8

Since Japanese weddings are expensive,do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good? Why?
I think it is bad idea. Because, I want to get a marriage in Japan.I can invitation many friends.

What do you think about eloping? It is good idea or romantic? Why?
Eloping is romantic,But I think not good idea. Because, I think it is escape.

Have you ever thought about a wedding in a foreign location like Hawaii? Would you do it. Why?or Why not?
Hawaii is a very good location, But I like Japan. Japan is very good location.

What is your ideal wedding?
My ideal wedding is gorgeous. I want to invitation many friends.

What would you definitely do, wear or go to on that big day?Why is that important?
I want to my style wedding. I want to big event .

Have you ever been to a foreigner's wedding? What was your impression?
No, I have not.


class number7

1.Do you think it is important to talk about superstitions in cross culture communication class? Why?
Yes I do.It shows the country's history and the culture. It is important when it takes communications.

2.Is communication affected by superstitions?
Yes it is. pass the superstitions down from generation to generation.It is a part of communications.

3.Do you believe in superstitions? If yes, what superstitions do you believe?Why do you do, use, or believe in them?
I don't believe.I believe only the reality.

class number6

1. Please explain a time proverb in your culture.

I think that the Japanese values time.

2. What do the following proverbs mean:

a. Time is money.
It means that time is valuable, and shouldn't be wasted.

b. A stitch in time saves nine.
I don't know.
This proverb is heard for the first time.

c. There's no time like the present.
It means that now is the best time to do something.

d.Let's meet at 4. If I'm not there by 5, leave without me at 6, and I'll be there at 7.
I don't know.
This proverb is heard for the first time.
I'm sorry.


1. What are some subjects that you will never discuss with a friend?

I speak anything.

2. Do you have different friends for different parts of your life? If so, how are they different to you? Do you talk about different things? Go to different places? Give me some examples.

Yes. I do. My friend is difference university. We talk about each our university. We go to the cafe in city.